Fecal Exam

Regular fecal exams are crucial for detecting and treating internal parasites in cats.

We like to check a sample of your pet’s feces every year. We know cats can spread intestinal parasites, like worms, to people. Even though many cats are regularly dewormed, there are some parasites that aren’t routinely covered. Sources of parasites include other cats or wildlife feces in your yard or garden, drinking out of puddles and hunting and eating prey, especially small rodents. Indoor cats are still at risk for parasites as you can bring parasite eggs in on your shoes or certain flying insects can be sourced.

What is a cat fecal parasite screen?

The fecal parasite screen is just bringing us a small sample (five grams or one teaspoon is enough) of your cat’s feces (poop). We then send it out to a laboratory that looks for the presence of parasite eggs in the feces.

What does a fecal parasite screen reveal?

We like to check a sample of your pet’s feces every year. One of the most common things that we see spread from pets to people is intestinal parasites, like worms. Even though many dogs and cats are regularly dewormed, there are some parasites that aren’t routinely covered. Sources of parasites include other pet’s or wildlife feces in the environment, drinking out of puddles and hunting and eating prey, especially small rodents. In addition, serious infections can be passed through the feces of some wild animals like raccoons.

How is a fecal parasite screen performed?

Once the sample of feces arrives at the laboratory, they mix it with a special solution to help the eggs float. The sample is placed in a test tube and spun at high speed in a centrifuge. This makes the eggs move to the top of the test tube where they are collected and placed on a microscope slide for examination.

What is the best method for collecting my cat’s stool?

It is as easy as scooping up a sample from your cat’s litter box and putting it in a bag and bringing it to us. Cat litter will not interfere with the test. Just be sure you bring us a feces clump, not a urine clump if you are using clumping cat litter. Collecting a sample from a cat that only goes outdoors can be a little more challenging. Most cats go the bathroom after they eat so keeping an eye on where they go after feeding them will help you find the sample.

How much does a cat stool test cost?

There are a few different tests that we can run on feces. Please feel free to call our office, and we can let you know the cost of the various tests.

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