Spaying & Neutering

Spaying and neutering aids in population control, behaviour management, and lowering health risks.

One aspect of responsible pet ownership is having your cat spayed or neutered. Not only are you helping to control pet overpopulation, spaying and neutering can help completely eliminate or significantly reduce the risk of a cat developing certain health and behaviour issues.

What is spaying or neutering?

Neutering is the removal of the testicles in a male cat. Spaying is the removal of the ovaries and uterus in a female cat.

What is the procedure to spay/neuter a cat?

For both male and female cats, your cat will be required to go under general anesthesia. For females, an incision is made in the abdomen that will allow the uterus to be identified and removed. The incision is closed in 3 layers with the final layer being skin sutures which will require removal about 10 days after the procedure. Male cats require an incision to be made over each testicle so that it can be removed. No stitches are placed in the skin of the male cat, the incisions should just heal on their own. We do offer & recommend pre-anesthetic blood work to ensure there are no pre-existing conditions prior to receiving the anesthetic. This helps us ensure your cat is in the best possible health before the procedure.

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