Cat Senior Care

An essential service to help detect and manage health conditions in aging pets.

Pets are living longer than ever before. With the discovery of new medications, diagnostic testing and treatments, we can keep our best friends comfortable and healthy much longer than in the past, and that is a wonderful thing!

My senior cat is losing weight, what can I do?

If you are noticing weight loss with your cat, there may be a medical explanation that we can treat and help extend the quality and quantity of your cat’s life. It is important you bring your cat in for a full examination. Often, additional testing, such as blood or urine tests will be required to find out why your pet has been losing weight.

What are some tips on how to care for my senior cat?

Most of the care you provide for your senior cat will be similar to that which you provide your older cat. Ensuring that they are on a senior diet to meet their nutritional needs is the first step. Access to clean fresh water is important at any stage of life, however, you may want to add extra water bowls as your cat ages to help support kidney health. If your cat is showing some signs of arthritis, sometimes moving a litter box to a more accessible location or getting one with a shorter step in or larger size box so they don’t have to manipulate their body into different positions or climb as many stairs can be extremely helpful. It is important to bring your cat in for examination regularly since they age faster than we do. In one year of a cat’s life, a lot of things can change medically.

What are some common health issues experienced by senior cats?

A few of the most common health issues we see in senior cats are kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, cancer, dental disease, arthritis and heart disease. Many of these conditions are treatable so be sure to discuss them with the doctor at your cat’s examination.

Why is my senior cat having behavioural issues?

Since there are so many different conditions that can affect older cats, sometimes a medical explanation can be found for behavioural changes. For example, if your cat has started urinating inappropriately, there may be some issues with his or her kidney health. If you are noticing behavioural changes, book an appointment for an examination and we can help to identify the cause.

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