
Providing support, guidance, and compassionate care during a difficult time.

Saying goodbye is the hardest part of owning a pet. Thankfully, we have the option to end their suffering in a humane manner when the time is right.

What is pet euthanasia and how do I know when it’s the right time?

Euthanasia is the administration of a drug that will end your dog’s life. We understand that this decision is a very difficult one and should not be done lightly. Knowing the right time is the hardest of all. Try to remember all of the things that your dog loves to do; going for walks, getting treats, greeting you at the front door are some examples. Is your dog still getting enjoyment out of those things? Are the good days outnumbering the bad days? Is your dog in a lot of pain? Those are the questions to ask yourself while you are preparing for this hard decision. Many times, your dog will help you make the decision by showing you that he or she is no longer getting enjoyment out of the things they have previously enjoyed.

How is the euthanasia drug administered?

The drug is given intravenously (in the vein) through a port in an intravenous catheter that is usually placed in the front leg. This allows the actual injection to be pain-free and your dog to be in a comfortable position, for example on your lap or laying with you on the floor.

What is the cost of pet euthanasia?

If this is what you have determined is the best thing for your dog, please call our office, and we can go through the cost of the procedure with you. The cost varies greatly depending on your wishes. You may choose to bury your dog at home depending on local laws or have your dog cremated and may want to have their ashes returned to you. Many options are available for a memorial for your beloved pet.

Does your clinic provide bereavement counselling?

Our sensitive and compassionate staff can provide you with the contact information for formal counselling if requested to help support you throughout the grieving process. We also provide a storybook that has information on how to discuss pet loss with children. Please do not hesitate to ask us for more information.

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