Urinalysis and Fecal Exam

A comprehensive checkup of your dog to ensure they remain happy and healthy.

Urine and feces (poop!) are great hidden sources of information. We can learn so much from examining these waste products. They can tell us about parasite and bacterial infections and major organ disease affecting the kidneys, liver and pancreas. We commonly refer to urine as “liquid gold”!

Why are canine fecal examinations recommended yearly?

We like to check a sample of your pet’s feces every year. One of the most common things that we see spread from dogs to people is intestinal parasites, like worms. Even though many dogs and cats are regularly dewormed, there are some parasites that aren’t routinely covered. Sources of parasites include other dogs’ feces at dog parks, drinking out of puddles and hunting & eating prey, especially small rodents. In addition, serious infections can be passed through the feces of some wild animals like raccoons.

If my dog’s urine test reveals a urinary tract infection, what can I do?

Urinary tract infections are often easily treated with antibiotics. However, in some cases, a complicated infection is present. In these cases, there may be urinary bladder stones or an infection that has ascended into the kidneys or started in the prostate gland. The best way to know if the infection is completely cleared up is to repeat a urine sample after the medications are finished. Many dogs have silent urinary tract infections. This means that your dog may not be showing you signs of infection but there is actually an infection present.

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