
A vaccination plan ensures your canine companion remains protected against dangerous diseases.

Vaccinations are one of the most important things you can do to protect the health of your pet. Unvaccinated dogs are at risk as we still see many of the diseases for which we vaccinate, in both wild animals and domestic dogs, most of which are life-threatening. We feel prevention is easier than treatment! We tailor our vaccination program to each individual, so your pet is receiving only the vaccines he/she needs for their lifestyle and age.

What types of vaccinations do your offer for adult dogs?

Our core vaccines are for those diseases which we feel all dogs are at risk for. They include Canine Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus, Leptospirosis and Rabies. If your pet has had a past negative response to one of these vaccines, we can talk about some options on how we can best protect your dog. We also offer some optional lifestyle vaccines for dogs. They include Bordetella (Kennel Cough) for dogs that visit dog parks, boarding kennels or are around other dogs and Lyme disease for those dogs that have exposure to ticks that could potentially spread this disease.

Is there a schedule for how often to vaccinate a dog?

There is a lot of conflicting information available right now on how frequently your dog should be vaccinated. We want to provide your pet with the best possible protection while minimizing the number of vaccines required. After the initial series have been properly completed (which includes vaccines as a puppy and booster vaccinations one year later), we recommend a yearly examination of your pet. The examination provides us with important information about your dog’s general health. We would then administer the appropriate vaccines if the examination determines your pet is healthy. Some of the vaccines, like Bordetella and Leptospirosis, are required to be boostered every year. Other vaccines, like Canine Distemper, can be done less frequently. Don’t worry! We will keep track of what your pet needs and when to ensure they are fully protected.

How much does it cost to vaccinate my dog?

Annual examination and vaccination cost will vary depending on the necessary vaccines your dog requires. We understand that no one likes surprises, feel free to give us a call and we would be happy to discuss the needs of your pet and what you can expect to pay for their visit.

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